McHenry Distillery


McHenry Distillery rests on the side of Mount Arthur on the Tasman Peninsula.

Mount Arthur stands sentinel over Port Arthur and this great southern port, with its deep harbour, opens southward onto the Great Southern Ocean. Port Arthur is a welcome sight to weary mariners, who having entered, can look back and imagine the South Pole due south of them, separated by 5,000km of mountainous salty brine.

There’s nothing quite like the cool purity of air found in this part of the world. It wraps around the globe on the latitude 43°, leaving South America without crossing another land mass, until it eventually finds its way to the southern tip of Tasmania some 17,000km later. In that time the wave whipped ocean has stripped out all but the distant memory of man’s influence.


Josef Chromy


T-Bone Brewing Co.